Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pilgrims aren't meant to travel alone!

This week's memory verse:
"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage." -- Psalm 84:5

Yesterday we learned that the word pilgrim means "people who spend their lives going someplace." But WHERE are we going? And in what is our mood as we travel? Are we complaining and whining the whole trip like kids in the back seat? "Are we there yet?"

For me, my pilgrimage is to grow closer to God and move through this life to get to him in the next. I heard someone once say we shouldn't spend so much of this life worrying about getting to the next that we don't enjoy the life we have right now. To some degree, I agree.

 God gave us this life on earth and we have the opportunity to get to know him better THROUGH his creation and the people and places that are right in front of us...we ARE to enjoy it! But...we are to be concerned enough with his promises of eternal life to listen to his guidance and obey his commands so we can get there. No, we can't earn our way to heaven, but Jesus taught us lessons about heaven by telling us how we should live and behave while we are here in this life.

God also promises to guide and protect us. Through King David, God gives us messages of hope and promises of protection. Read Psalm 18:32-36.

David speaks about counting on God to:
* arm him with strength
* make him swift and sure
* point him in the right direction
* train him for battle
* shield him
* provide a broad path for him
* hold him up with a firm hand
* and caress him with His gentle ways

We too can rely on God for all of those things. But, in order to believe in those promises, you have to stay in contact and communication with God. By reading his word and talking privately with God, you can be reminded that he IS there to do those things for you...preparing you to make it through this life and be rewarded in the next.

Setting your heart on this kind of a pilgrimage means keeping your heart set on moving forward. You can't be satisfied with the status quo...it is a long hard journey. But...you must know you are not alone! Not only is God there with you, but there are other pilgrims out there traveling the same path. Together, we can keep going, no matter what, shoulder to shoulder.

In my First Place 4 Health group, we are all TRYING to find the balance in our lives that we believe God wants for us. It is hard and many times we want to give up. But...we support and encourage each other in many ways and we keep each other moving forward toward the goal. We may never reach our ideal weight or reach the point where we want to be spiritually, or reach our exercise goals...but we keep each other moving forward TOWARD those goals. That makes the journey a bit easier...knowing we are not in it alone!

If you don't have a group of supportive people around you...try to find some. Open yourself up to a small group of people who are heading for the same goals...pray about finding that right group of people...God knows we were not made to go through this journey alone...he made us to live in community. There is a community of people out there for you...pray that God will bring you to that community or that they would find you. God will keep his promises and lead you right where you need to be! Be an adventurous pilgrim, knowing that your journey is long and hard, but easier with loving supportive people around you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another try....

I admit it, I let this blog go. I had no idea what I was doing and I abandoned my poor blog! But, a month ago, I started another blog on another topic and I have been posting almost every day. I actually love doing it!

In the last week I have helped many people find things to read. A friend of mine actually said she comes to the library with her "Linda list" (books that I have recommended to her) looking for good reads. While I do post my books to Goodreads.com and write brief reviews there, I thought it would be fun to talk up some of my favorites on here as well. Maybe some unsuspecting soul will stumble upon this blog and find something good to read...then the joy of my job is realized!

Right now, I am on an Adriana Trigianni binge! She is doing a SKYPE interview with our library on January 13, so I am getting pumped! She recently released a nonfiction title: Don't Sing at the Table: Life Lessons from my Grandmothers. (She sent me a signed pre-pub copy!!) It is full of wonderful and heartwarming stories about both her Grandmothers, both originally from Italy. My grandmothers were not Italian, but her stories reminded me of mine and left me with a warm feeling!

I just started reading Fannie Flagg's latest : I Still Dream of You. I have loved all the Fannie Flagg books I have read so far, so I'm sure I will love this one as well.

I almost always have an audio book going in my car...right now I have Louise Penny's A Fatal Grace. This is the second in the Inspector Gamache series. I like the quaint Canadian village of Three Pines in which the story takes place, and the quirky characters are enjoyable as well. Penny's mysteries are like Agatha Christie stories...

With our library getting a system for downloadable books, I have also downloaded a book to my IPhone...Since I am working on many projects currently at work, I picked a good nonfiction title - Creative Project Management by Michael S. Dobson. It is good so far. I am hoping to put his good ideas to work!

That's all for now...Good Reading!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What would Linda Read? Hmmm...Let me think....

I have been trying to get myself motivated to begin blogging about books for a long time. Today, I just took the plunge! A sweet lady was in the library today and thanked me over and over for "Linda's Pics" that were in her Adult Summer Reading bag this summer. She LOVED all three and asked me for more ideas. That did it! I had to find a way to share my thoughts about books out there.

More later....